South Atlantic Water Science Center
Project Number: 2503-A10AF
Project Chief: Brian Hughes
Cooperators: U.S. Air Force, Aeronautical Systems Center
Period of Project: Began in 1995, now completed
United States Air Force (USAF), Aeronautical System Center (ASC) is conducting environmental remediation activities at Air Force Plant 6 (AFP6) in Marietta, Georgia. These activities include addressing complex ground-water contamination, primarily the result of long–term manufacturing processes. Significant contamination of ground water by Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPL), that were employed as degreasing solvents, and metals above regulatory limits exist on and adjacent to USAF property. Remediation is extraordinarily difficult because of numerous historic point and non-point contamination sources, and most importantly by an extremely complex ground-water flow system, characterized by non-porous media flow in fractured and weathered metamorphic and igneous bedrock.
To support and enhance environmental remediation activities at AFP6, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is conducting hydrogeologic investigations that characterize ground-water flow and contaminant movement in fractured crystalline rock. This includes providing technical guidance to ASC and assisting and advising ASC contractors, as well as conducting specific characterization and delineation efforts that directly support remediation.
Owen G. Holloway and Jonathan P. Waddell, 2008, Design and Operation of a Borehole Straddle Packer for Ground-Water Sampling and Hydraulic Testing of Discrete Intervals at U.S. Air Force Plant 6, Marietta, Georgia: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1349 ; 24 p. Online only at:
Gonthier, G. J, 2007a, Estimates of barometric efficiency using a graphical method on nearly continuous data: in 2007 GWRC Proceedings, CD-ROM, also online at /publications/gwrc07/pdf/Gonthier_GWRC07.pdf
Gonthier, G. J, 2007b, A Graphical Method for Estimation of Barometric Efficiency from Continuous Data-Concepts and Application to a Site in the Piedmont, Air Force Plant 6, Marietta, Georgia: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5111; 29 p. Online only at:
Gonthier, G. J, and Mayer, G.C., 2003, Slug-test results from a well completed in fractured crystalline rock, U.S. Air Force Plant 6, Marietta, Georgia: in 2003 GWRC Proceedings, CD-ROM, also online at Gonthier-GWRC2003.pdf
Stewart, L.M., 2000, Laboratory analytical results for ground-water sampling at Southern Polytechnic State University, Marietta, Georgia, 1997, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-277, 28 p., also online at
Waddell, J.P., and Mayer, G.C., 2003, Effects of Fenton's reagent and potassium permangante applications on indigenous subsurface microbiota-A literature review: in 2003 GWRC Proceedings, CD-ROM, also online at Waddell-GWRC2003.pdf