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Air Force Plant 6 Remediation Assistance Program
PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT-For the Period Ending: January 11, 2008
- Offsite remediation-Ongoing tracer study at B4 area. Tracer detected in several downgradient wells
- Database management
- QW data into their ITEMS/ERPIMS database-Need to evaluate "bad QW" data and link to specific site in header file. No Progress
- Geophysical database-Need to add flow meter, ATV, OTV data and to generate layouts. No Progress.
- Aquifer test data-Need to put approved slug test data into GWSI. No Progress.
- WL data-QA/QC and entry of data for 8 wells. Data is being prepared for download to ADAPs.
- Began development of project web page. This will serve as a repository for geophysical, qw, and water-level data, and for published reports.
- Letter report to ASC describing all databases and data availability-Pending completion of other tasks.
- Monitoring well construction
- All retrofits completed with the exception of RW203-On hold until tracer tests completed.
- B4 Remediation evaluation monitoring -Reevaluated network and frequency of sampling. Met with Amy Potter to discuss in December. See attached table.
- B4 Water level network - Processing and QA/QC of data is still lagging.
See attached table
- 12/17/07 JSC met with Amy Potter regarding scope of USGS water-quality monitoring activities. Network has been revised (see above).
- Offsite remediation-Continue to monitor tracers near South Cobb Drive remediation area.
- Database management
- QW data into their ITEMS/ERPIMS database-Complete this quarter. Need to evaluate "bad QW" data and link to specific site in header file.
- Geophysical database-Add flow meter, ATV, OTV data; prepare for web layout
- Aquifer test data archive-Ensure consistent with Gonthier report, add slug tests to GWSI
- WL data-Complete QA/QC of all data for 8-site network.
- Project WEB page--Continue development. Incorporate geophysical log archive, water-level and qw data.
- B4 Remediation evaluation monitoring - Collect next series of samples in March
- B4 Water level network - Service recorder network in January.
- Reports:
- Continue progress on reports (see table)
- Other:
- Partnering meeting, February 7 (tentative)
- Need to schedule meeting with new Air Force coordinator, John Doepker (Feb 6?)
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