South Atlantic Water Science Center
The University of Georgia, Center for Continuing Education
Athens, Georgia
March 26-27, 2001
Published in Kathryn J. Hatcher, editor, Proceedings of the 2001 Georgia Water Resources Conference, March 26-27, 2001, University of Georgia
Ground-water monitoring and effects of the 1998-2000 drought on ground-water levels in Georgia by Kristen B. McSwain and Nancy L. Barber
Effects of drought on stream discharge and ground-water levels near Lake Seminole, southwestern Georgia and northwestern Florida, October 1999-August 2000 by Melinda S. Mosner
Physical and hydrochemical evidence of surface-water/ground-water mixing in and near Lake Seminole, southwestern Georgia and northwestern Florida by Lynn J. Torak
Comparison of pre- and post-impoundment ground-water levels near the Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam site, Jackson County, Florida by Phillip N. Albertson
Simulated effects of pumpage and climatic conditions on stream-aquifer flow in streams harboring federally protected mussel species, northwestern Florida and southwestern Georgia by Phillip N. Albertson
Using the digital environmental atlas of Georgia by S.J. Alhadeff, J.W. Musser, and T.R. Dyar
Using the digital surface-water annual data report for Georgia by S.J. Alhadeff
Georgia HydroWatch--a new concept in hydrologic monitoring for Georgia by Brian E. McCallum and John K. Joiner
Urbanization effects on streamflow in the Atlanta, Georgia area by Norman E. Peters and Seth Rose
Presence of pharmaceuticals in wastewater effluent and drinking water, Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, July-September 1999 by Elizabeth A. Frick, Alden K.
Henderson, Ph.D, and Deborah M. Moll, Ph.D., Edward T. Furlong, Ph.D., and Michael T. Meyer, Ph.D.
Composition and changes in atmospheric deposition near Atlanta, Georgia, 1986-99 by Norman E. Peters and Brent T. Aulenbach and Tilden P. Meyers
A conceptual program for water-quality monitoring in the upper Chattahoochee River basin in Georgia by Brian E. McCallum and Arthur J. Horowitz
Estimating Chattahoochee River tributary stream temperatures in the vicinity of Atlanta, Georgia by Thomas R. Dyar, S.J. Alhadeff, R.C. Burke, III, P.D. Lamarre, and R.W. Olson
Indicator-bacteria concentrations in streams of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation area, March 1999-April 2000 by M. Brian Gregory and Elizabeth A. Frick
Field monitoring of bridge scour in Georgia by Anthony J. Gotvald and Mark N. Landers
Water-quality monitoring in Gwinnett County by Paul D. Ankcorn, Mark N. Landers, and Janet P. Vick
Trichloroethene presence in Rottenwood Creek near Air Force Plant 6, Marietta, Georgia, Summer 2000 by Gerard J. Gonthier
Use of ground-water flow models for simulation of water-management scenarios for coastal Georgia and adjacent parts of South Carolina by John S. Clarke and Richard E. Krause
Aquifer storage recovery in the Santee Limestone/Black Mingo aquifer, Charleston, South Carolina by Matthew D. Petkewich, June E. Mirecki, Kevin J. Conlon, and Bruce G. Campbell
Saltwater contamination in the Upper Floridan aquifer at Brunswick, Georgia by L. Elliott Jones
Hydrogeology and water quality of the Lower Floridan aquifer, coastal Georgia, 1999-2000 by W. Fred Falls, Larry G. Harrelson, Kevin J. Conlon, and Matthew D. Petkewich
Preliminary numerical models of saltwater transport in coastal Georgia and southeastern South Carolina by Dorothy F. Payne and A.M. Provost, and C.I. Voss
Preliminary simulation of pond-aquifer flow and water availability at a seepage pond near Brunswick, Georgia by Malek Abu-Ruman and John S. Clarke
Summary of selected U.S. Geological Survey water-resources activities in Georgia by Steven D. Craigg and Debbie Warner
New watershed boundary map for Georgia by Mark N. Landers and Keith W. McFadden, and Jimmy R. Bramblett
Summary of fecal-coliform bacteria concentrations in streams of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, May-October 1994 and 1995 by M. Brian Gregory and Elizabeth A. Frick
Saltwater contamination of ground water at Brunswick, Georgia and Hilton Head Island, South Carolina by Richard E. Krause and John S. Clarke
Linkage of offshore and onshore hydrogeologic data for coastal Georgia and adjacent parts of South Carolina and Florida using a Geographic Information System by Michael T. Laitta
Hydrogeologic conditions at two seepage ponds in the coastal area of Georgia, August 1999 to February 2001 by Michael F. Peck, John S. Clarke, and Michael T. Laitta, and Malek Abu-Ruman
Use of two-dimensional direct-current-resistivity profiling to detect fracture zones in a crystalline rock aquifer near Lawrenceville, Georgia by Lester J. Williams and Marcel Belaval
Public-supply water use in the Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, area, 1995-2000 by Julia L. Fanning
Summary of streamflow conditions for calendar year 2000 in Georgia by Timothy C. Stamey
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